Well, met all the girls and some guys at the IT school entrance around 9.30am, i was the last one to reach, it was expected actually cause my name was already on the black list. Lols. Then had our first lecture at LT10, but we took a long time to find the LT10. We supposed to be the first group to reach but ended up to be the last. Haha.
We were together with the guys during the two breaks which were unexpected i think. Hahaha. But it was really great lah, our class guys are so damn funny, laughed a lot. (Oh yah, we saw Pei Young today. Haha. Our super
hot OL!) Then all of us went to Design school canteen to have our lunch, there were 10 of us ordered chicken chop, cause it's damn cheap lah, only $2.6. The stall uncle should be very happy today. Haha. But it tasted quite salty leh. Haha. ( I saw a lot Malay hot guys there :P )
Erm, i think i was somehow quite invisible today. Cause I saw Sam at the canteen, waved hi to him but he didn't even look at me. Then i messaged him, but he was like
'Got meh? How come i didn't see you at all. Lol.' And then we saw Hsien Wei for about two times, but he was like got say hi to eveybody but not me): After that i saw Boon Yang also, all the same thing happened. Sad lah can )':
So guys, please! Next time when you see me DO say hi to me okay!
Anyways, all of us went to the library after lunch. Vincent and Kok Wei took the lift together with the girls. Then there was a super
cute guy came in when we reached level 3. And I was like
'The guy is very cute leh!' Guess what that stupid Vincent did. He turned and said to that guy that
'Hey, she said you're very cute leh!' & that guy was like
'Er... ... o...k.....' I was super peiseh lah, my face was almost turned red already. Roarrrr! But anyways, that guy is really hot lah. Hahahaha. After reached the 4th level, we all settled down at the corner tables. Everybody was sitting down and relaxing except for me, i was the only one who was standing. And they said that because i'm a GB girl, so i used to stand a lot. Hahaha. & when we were about to leave the place, Lionel went into the lady's toilet to do his business. Lols.
in the library

Had lessons at the lab afterwards, and we were allowed to use MSN there, so suddenly poped out 5 windows, one is the class conference, and then Kok Wei, Ryan, Derek and my dearest Valerie. Yes,
Valerie! Haha. Have i told you about her? She's my very first friend in TP i think. She's so so very pretty lah. Super sweet i tell you! But sadly, we're not in the same class ): but i'll still see her quite often lah :D Hope can hang out with her soonnnnnn! Yepppp!
School ended at 5.30 today, then Theresa, Huiling, Dalila, Bernnie & i went to take neos. Haha. Damn i love you girls hell loads man :)