Together forever, unfaded and unbroken

Forevermore, you'll be here in my heart
Today was great except for some parts. Met Darling for a few times. For the very first time I went to his lecture. It was really great cause I got the chance to sit beside him. &Then today we took bus home together. :D I wanna meet him everyday. I was like thinking it would be really good if everyday is just like today. It's wonderful okay. Then I think I will love to go school every much also cause I can see Darling everyday in school. Life's great with him yo! :D I wanna marry him! I wanna be his legal wife. I wanna be Mrs Keith Tan. 177 days together. 7 more days to 184days. Our 6th month anniversary. We will celebrate our 6th year anniversay together, and 60th year anniversay and lots lots more to go. For a lifetime. I'm so gonna like a superglue stick to him forever.Y
QianQian! (:

Got home around 4pm plus and then was doing some personal works. Till about 6 Plus then I went back to school for the birthday celebration. Well, Melinda and I were attacked by the cake. Mine was only a little bit on the face, Melinda was like much worse than me. Poor Melinda. Anyways, after the celebrate some of us went to opposite school to have dinner. But Melinda didn't join us so I was sitting with Jolene and SL. Berlinda joined us also. And then we got our water babies :D I've got pink and purple. Pink represents me and purple represents Darling. Jolene said waterbaby is so fun and yah. I don't know how to grow it. Hahas. I'm like so gonna show them to Darling and Melinda tomorrow. :D

Recently, things didn't go on smoothly, there're two friends of mine are really sad. And today even Jolene, she's sad. No more sunshine smile on her face. I understand how she feels, I couldn't help her but I really don't wish to see her in that way. She's like everybody's happy pill. So Jolene cheer up alright. Siao Char Bor smile!
And also there's another friend of mine. If you are reading this. You have to cheer yourself up. And don't blame everything on yourself. It wasn't totally all your fault. Though everything seems getting bad but you must believe everything's gonna be better soon. I will always stand by you!
&Damn the whoever took the shoes. ):
I'm like still a bit confused now. There's time I don't know what's going on with my life or even with who sometimes. It's weird that I realised I've actually hate people who were used to be my friends. I don't feel like talk to them cause they're just so fake to me. But at the same time I'm afriad. I'm afraid that I might loss important thing. I don't know what am I thinking. So nevermind.
There are people who's reading this blog, maybe everyday. And recently some came and asked me questions randomly like 'How the two of you can be so sweet?...' 'How can you two get this far?...' 'Teach me, how to be so sweet can?...' I actually don't have any answers. Cause that's our love and that's my happiness. Look at us now. We've made it. I'm blessed cause I've got the great man. People think that I'm crazy cause I'm treating my boy like a superstar and like forever in a honeymoon mood. But no matter what, please don't steal my happiness away. He's my propety! Y
Didn't blog what I was supposed to blog today. Really tired. Maybe on Thurday. I don't know. I need time for that entry. Well, except for our 6th month anniversay the next coming big event to me will be Melinda's birthday. I will plan something for my lovergirl :D
Alrights. Darling's doing his work now. And I... don't know what I should do. Oh yah. School starts at 12 for me. Ta. (:
And also there's another friend of mine. If you are reading this. You have to cheer yourself up. And don't blame everything on yourself. It wasn't totally all your fault. Though everything seems getting bad but you must believe everything's gonna be better soon. I will always stand by you!
&Damn the whoever took the shoes. ):
I'm like still a bit confused now. There's time I don't know what's going on with my life or even with who sometimes. It's weird that I realised I've actually hate people who were used to be my friends. I don't feel like talk to them cause they're just so fake to me. But at the same time I'm afriad. I'm afraid that I might loss important thing. I don't know what am I thinking. So nevermind.
There are people who's reading this blog, maybe everyday. And recently some came and asked me questions randomly like 'How the two of you can be so sweet?...' 'How can you two get this far?...' 'Teach me, how to be so sweet can?...' I actually don't have any answers. Cause that's our love and that's my happiness. Look at us now. We've made it. I'm blessed cause I've got the great man. People think that I'm crazy cause I'm treating my boy like a superstar and like forever in a honeymoon mood. But no matter what, please don't steal my happiness away. He's my propety! Y
Didn't blog what I was supposed to blog today. Really tired. Maybe on Thurday. I don't know. I need time for that entry. Well, except for our 6th month anniversay the next coming big event to me will be Melinda's birthday. I will plan something for my lovergirl :D
Alrights. Darling's doing his work now. And I... don't know what I should do. Oh yah. School starts at 12 for me. Ta. (:
Now we see our love has grown
And these have been the sweetest times
That I have ever known
And I know that it will never end,
'Cause every time I look at you,
I fall in love again
Now we see our love has grown
And these have been the sweetest times
That I have ever known
And I know that it will never end,
'Cause every time I look at you,
I fall in love again
Yeat your heart out
1:59 AM
1:59 AM